Dear diary,
Today was an eventful day. In the morning my human rushed into the room yelling "Oh my god I'm late for my hair dyeing dammit." and applied some sort of black ink to her eyes real quick. She then noticed me and I stood up. We have come to an understanding that when I stand, it means she ought to give me a treat. I am particularly partial to the apple ones. Delicious. However, she simply said "Awww... You cute, Igloolooloo" in a baby voice and went about trying to find what she called "panties" in her pile of fabrics on the bed.
Why are humans so furless? It could have kept them warm and covered their shame. My fur is luscious and fuzzy - and mind you I lick it clean all the time - but I guess sometimes it makes me too warm and I wish I could get naked like my human does. Little did I know that later in the day... Sigh.
Anyway so my human left me alone again. Later when she came back home she was not alone but with another human whom she called Momo, and my human is like her human. Momo was extremely excitable when she saw me. She waved 3 pieces of cloth in from of me and asked me if I knew what she got for me.
I could smell that the cloths are neither delicious nor bunny-related in any way so I couldn't be bothered. I'd like that apple treat that was promised earlier!
Momo then picked me up and did some magic with the pieces of cloth. She said she found them in Chatuchuk at a bunny shop for $1 per piece. I'm a little confused here but apparently the two of them got very happy, kept squealing, and took a lot of pictures:

Apparently this is a dress for bunnies. *rolls eyes*
Alright whatever, have your fun, just give me those treats NOW.
YES! APPLE TREATS. You can also see where I scratched my human's thigh right there. That's right, people think us bunnies are real weak but watch out! I could claw your eyes out if I wanted to.
I'm not sure about the pink with my fur...
Here's Momo squashing me up. P/s: Did you know that even though bunnies have a round bob for a tail our tails are actually long and skinny like a pig's although not curly?
And bless my ears, how much luggage does my human have?
They changed my "dress" into another one. My human says she is undecided which is nicer.
Hey, an artistic picture of me! Good job human.
I don't get why everytime I do this my human goes "Awwwwww". She practically wets herself when I use my paws to clean my ears. Like seriously? Get a grip, human!
Alright enough activity for the day, time to nap...

Here I am, lying in my human's arms to sleep. It's pretty awesome, she strokes my head and scratches my ears. When she's done I groom her in exchange - I'm fair like that.
Only thing I don't like? She keeps yakking nonstop to Momo who was sitting next to her apparently "altering her Nuffnang Awards dress". Like hello? Trying to sleep here and my ears are HUGE! I hear everything!
I could hear my human mumbling that she thinks she won't win at this year's Nuffnang Awards because she didn't put in enough effort to bribe for votes. About how she's fat. About how she doesn't really know which bag to match the dress. Yadda yadda...
I woke up when I could hear a third human. She also squealed when she saw me. Apparently my dress is a real hit with them. She is the human of my daddy, Fluffy. My human then explained to me that she is going overseas from tomorrow onwards so I have to stay with Daddy's human all the way till January 10th. My human got really emotional and starting hugging and kissing me and begging me not to forget her.
That's all for this blog entry. I dread to think what all the other bunnies will think of me when they see me in my "dress".
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