Promised to show you guys how my blinged up blackberry torch looks like so here's a video + some photos!!
Apparently because I uploaded the video with a song the video cannot be viewed in Germany or on mobile. Sorry! If you are on mobile, you can still see the video when you are back on a computer. Just see photos for now lah!!!

My camera takes a photo with every video recorded (I don't know why) so here's are two of the photos. Edited, of course. If you are very free you can try to find the screenshot and examine the difference. LOL

Front view

With the keyboard (in white because this is the white torch)


In case you are wondering... YES the bling does make the phone quite heavy! But worth it. :D

Rainbow keyboard
Also... erm... I got something to confess... Some of you might have already guessed from looking at the Photo of the Moment...
Small voice:
I bought an iPhone.
Yes yes hypocrite etc. But anyway let me explain myself. I'm still using the blackberry as my main phone. It's my communications device and in terms of everything communication wise, it is still far superior to the iPhone. Things like email, chats (be it bbm or msn or even whatsapp, which is free on the bb and gives you free emoji), calls, twitter, or smses. Afterall, the blackberry has an awesome keyboard. I LOVE tapping away on that keyboard.
But the time has come where I can no longer deny that when it comes to artistic matters like snapping nice pictures or fun things like playing games, the iPhone is better.
There are so many ridiculously good photography apps. And there is a front facing camera. C'mon. A freaking front facing camera. A camwhorer's dream. I've been begging BB to come out with that for AGES.
Like this... taken with the iphone. Can you fucking believe it? They have freaking LIQUIFY on the phone. :( Sad face because I love the blackberry. I am on Team Blackberry. But why don't they have awesome apps like this?
(My fav photography apps: 美图秀秀, makeover (the liquify app, although it's not very good but better than nothing), idarkroom, Princess Camera. I don't like instagram or histamatic because they make my photos cropped square)
So. To conclude I bought the iphone because Starhub has this awesome thing where you pay an extra $5 a month and you get a secondary sim card! You can use the second sim card in another phone and since my 3G plan is unlimited I can have 3G on both the BB and the iPhone! :D :D :D
All calls and smses will go to the primary phone (BB), but I can still send out smses and make calls on the secondary phone if I want to. It's awesome!

Gmasked the iPhone pink and blinging a matching ribbon on it.

With the BB

Here's how the back looks like!!
That's a Juicy Couture sticker in case you are wonder who G and P is. Founders of Juicy Couture.
I finished blinging the iPhone too but I didn't bother to snap pics of the end result yet. Next time!!
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