Woohoo! Had great fun a few Saturdays ago... Was invited to be a guest judge for Laurier's "Are You a Shooting Star" Challenge, together with Jessica and Zoe!
This is Laurier’s first ever all girls’ Amazing race-like challenge! Tasks were designed to test everyone’s creativity, wit, confidence and resourcefulness. There were teams of friends, sisters and mother-daughter!
Arrived at Cineleisure at 1030am... It was a nice day, bright and sunny!

The tentage

And check out all the participants obediently queuing up! Gotta love their spirit, waking up so early for a challenge.

These name-tags are for the 60 lucky selected teams.

What are the boxes for? You'd soon find out. :)

Zoe and I camwhoring after changing into our Laurier tank tops :D

And that's how we look like from the back!! Loving the daisy dukes... HOT!

Jess and I camwhoring with our team - no. 61. Technically since we were judges we were not included in the competition but it's still fun to do the challenges!
Every girl there was given a goodie bag:

And check out what's inside!

Poncho, water, facial blotters, wet wipes, UV protection and a fan! So thoughtful

The best present was a freaking polaroid camera!! Everyone loves those!

The girls waiting for their clues!

Why all so young and chio!! Being girls we (Zoe, Jess and I) had a fun time observing what people were wearing. One of the teams came in sporty FBT shorts and serious running shoes! Complete with sporty sunglasses, toned arms, a perfect tan and smart hair cuts etc. I was saying they confirm gonna win and they were indeed one of the top! LOL

Camwhoring again. Side note: Love my Shibuya boots
AND IT'S TIME TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Real simple: Guess the location, get there, snap a photo with the given polaroid camera, and be FAST AND ACCURATE Amazing Race style!
Since we were not going to be able to win, I said "Guys I wanna go 7/11 to buy candy first can?". When I was queuing, I had an epiphany and asked the people behind me "Hey do any of you have dimples???" (Clue 8)
Surprisingly enough some guy did and he allowed us to snap a picture!!
Encouraging start lol.
Btw I freaking love Clue 8. All the boys with double dimples look sooooo cute in the final pictures!
Gotta say I was really impressed with Zoe... She knew where everything was!! She pulled us to F21 for clue 7: Photo of team-mate in leopard print. To think I almost wore a leopard print skirt that day!
But then I'd never turn down any reason to go into F21 lah...

And that's that. Jess went into the fitting room to sneakily snap a pic but the polaroid's flash accidentally turned on and was reflected in the mirror so the whole photo turned out BLACK! LOL Lucky we are not really contestants!

Next task was to go to NTUC Finest to snap a pic with... Joanne Peh - Laurier's brand ambassador. By that I mean a angelic life-size cardboard stand up of her. She hiding in the back of the store, very sneaky!

Stopped by Ben and Jerry's to snap a pic with Woody the Cow. Till today I don't know what that is. Which cow? So we just snapped with any cow there...
Next challenge - having found a make up store kind enough to loan us BLACK LIPSTICK, we had to pick a team-mate to do it!!
So we did Orh peh som and Jess lost!! Check out her classic face LOL!!

But being nice friends we decided to all put together. :D

Zoe braving it

Hey we look not bad leh!!
It was 1pm by the time we were done with these tasks and we decided to forgo the rest and just EAT!!

Check out the cute polaroids we took:

Our Mr Dimples

Woody the cow??

Camwhoring shots!!
And that's it, we head back to the tent... It's time to judge!!

Most of the participants were already back! I LOVED how the tent looks so nice with all the interesting polaroids everyone took. Some of the girls even took the effort to use markers to decorate their photos. Too bad no extra points for that!!

This is the before - it was just bits of double sided tape!
Us girls gave scores based on accuracy and speed... The winners:

Team 42!

All the contestants! :D It was a fun day of bonding.
Contest proudly organized by Laurier Super Slimguard
This right here is my favourite napkin in the world. I swear even before writing this advert I always use this every single time I get my period. Sometimes when it's sold out in the supermarkets I'd be mad pissed off so when I do see them I always buy a lot haha.
At 1mm thin, it is the thinniest napkin in the market and yet it is 200x ultra absorbent!
The reason why I love the day use napkins is coz it is BARELY there (no wings and completely fuss free), yet has never ever failed me (ie the dreaded "S" word that ends with "tain").
If girls tell me they don't use pads as they are chunky, I know they are just not using the right superslim ones. Nothing can make you feel more secure than an ultra absorbent napkin which also gives you the freedom to do whatever you want in the clothes you wanna wear. :)
If you think this contest is fun and wanna join more contests, be sure to
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